Is it a kiss that lies upon your lips
Is it a tear that sometimes slips
Maybe it is a bondage that won't let go
that holds so tight and grows so slow
What I see is a hunger that has been fulfilled
A full committment that has been signed and sealed
I am sure it is fragile because it is so rare
so be very careful and show a lot of care
Let it be warm and tender
and let it be a heartmender
Don't let it be incomplete
like all the other defeats
It should be understanding
and always have soft landings
It's something no matter how hard I try
It seems to keep passing me by
It's a wish come true
and a God bless you
It's a lifetime goal
that only a few can afford its toll
It's a touch of grace
sent to fill an empty space
It's the "willing obligation of both to give"
That is what "true love" is
I wrote this poem in church when I was probably supposed to listening to the sermon. It was October 11, 1987. I started writing it at 11:50 am and finished it at 10:22 pm. I was 16 years old. I was on a quest to find true love apparently. I wrote about writing this poem on my other blog at if you want to check that out.